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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Results Now- Experience LATER!

LBF's Zapp- Show A: 1/3 BSB- HL
Show B: 2/3

HF's Bartholamew- Show A: 2/3- BSB- HL
Show B: 1/3

Keep's Zephrim- Show A & B 2/3- BJB- HL

Fatboy's Tyson- Show A: BOB- SSB- ML

Fatboy's Kris- Show A & B: BOSB- BSD- ML

Keep's Forest- Show B: 2/5- Self SB- JW

Keep's Tryon- Show A: BOSG- Shaded SB- JW

WHEW I am so exhausted! I'll have to share my experiences later! I'm happy to say we brought home 17 1st & 2nd place ribbons! Not all results are posted here :). We only had 1 rabbit place lower than second, and he took home a fourth in Show A, and was back to second in the next show!

Keep's Rabbitry

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