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Monday, March 24, 2008

Picture Time!

I'm starting to feel alive again! YAYY!! In a little news, we lost the whole litter of mini lop babies because their mother didn't care for them :(. But, our Smoke Pearl holland gave birth to a litter of three- 2 solids and a broken! YAY!

Here are our pre-juniors from Miss Muffet and Zapp! I can't wait for these guys to get a little older!.

Broken Sable Point

Broken Tort baby and my favorite :D.

Bunny Bootay! Isn't it just TOO adorable?!

Miss Muffet, signaling the end of photo time.


Unknown said...

How beautiful. What lovely bunnies.

TLR said...

I would love to hug them all! Simply Amazing.