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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Jersey Wooley Buck for Sale -Sold

Forgive his pose- it's hot today and he was in a mood!

Hamilton's California Dreamin', a sable point, sr. Jersey wooley buck. He's going to be a year old in just a few weeks.

Dreamin' is out of Wooligans Montague and Caudhill's Vanessa. He's one of the only babies born on this coast out of Montague, who passed away. This guy is a GREAT breeder.

He chews himself, which gives you an idea why he looks the way he does. He's also molting that wool cap, about the only thing he and his neighbor can't chew off.

A nice small buck, he's my current shaded herd buck. Due to several up and coming bucks, as well as a large number of babies being born here out of him, I've decided to move him out.

He is DQ free and I do think he'd do really well on a show table, if you could get him to stop being a chewer.

Keep's Rabbitry

1 comment:

Susie said...

He's SO cute! WANT. lol.