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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Babies born!

YAY! I had three babies born to a first time doe, Keep's Snow. It's the first litter out of Lyle Creek's Fabulous. I was starting to worry that maybe he was sterile :(. I'm happy to report he's not!

All three babies are REW, because that's what both the parents are :). I have NO idea what color Snow is hiding, though I do know that Fabulous is a self underneath his REW. Snow was out of Keep's Forest, so she does have a chance of being an agouti, which means the babies also have a chance of being an agouti.

I checked on Lyle Creek's Kendra and her two nestbox babies while I was out- thank goodness I did! Kendra has pulled more wool and her two babies were slow cooking! I pulled some fur out and moved them to the front of the box where they could cool off a little bit.

I've got 3 more does due on the 13th. I'm hoping they all take, especially since one gives me my best chance for ORANGES!

Keep's Rabbitry

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