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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It's almost Christmas!

Almost Christmas Time!!

Unfortunately, we have too many bunnies to give the specialized treats and presents treatment.

As I sitting here typing this, I realize I have lost the puppy...excuse me.

I forget we have one (I found her, by the way). She's the last puppy from our AKC Mini Dachshund litter- a little short haired reverse red dapple.

If you're in love, you should be! She's available, if anyone is interested in a beautiful little puppy!

Anyway, I've got some exciting news! I'm entering a Holland Co-op!! More information on that soon, but I'm going down to just a couple animals, so even MORE are going to be available right after the turn of the year. I'm also letting some of my foundation stock in the Jersey Woolies go! Keep an eye out for that.

Merry Christmas guys!!
Keep's Rabbitry

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